Welcome to Spinner Central, a website dedicated to promoting the aspiring art of pen spinning.
Here you can find showcase videos, individual spins, combos, and more.

The numbers you see in some of the combos represent finger slots. Thumb is T, index finger is 1, middle finger is 2, ring finger is 3, and pinky finger is 4.
Two numbers next to each other (ex. 12) represent the space between the two fingers represented by its digits. (12 would mean between index and middle fingers)

Also, the reverse of a trick is, as the name implies, the trick done backwards.
The inverse of a spin is when it is done on the opposite side of the hand as it is normally done.

Green: Easy
Orange: Medium
Red: Hard
Blue: Showcase
Purple: Pens & pen mods
Light green/blue: Linkages

Click on the boxes to reveal the video for the trick on it.


Epic Pen Spinning
Express collaboration video
Penspinning stage performance
Reaction to Penspinning on Omegle
TWPS showcase
75 Tricks in Under 7 Minutes
SpinFest 2016 all spinners
Pen spinning world records
LED Pen Spinning
KTH (from PenDolSa) Pen Spinning World Tournament 2007 winning combo
Insane Fingercross

Pens & pen mod tutorials

Note: If you don't have the parts or time to construct your own mods, pre-made mods can be bought at Penwish, an online store for pens.

Choosing a pen
BICtory mod tutorial
RSVP MX mod tutorial
Metallic Comssa mod tutorial
Flying Panda mod tutorial
Waterfall mod tutorial
PPM mod tutorial
Note: The original PPM uses Pilot Nextage pens instead of G3 pens.

Menowa* Vicgotgame mod tutorial
MinWoo mod tutorial

Fundamentals (LEARN FIRST)

Fingerpass (skip if necessary)


Twisted Sonic
Fingerless Thumbaround
Fingerless Thumbaround reverse
Sonic Reverse
Neosonic Reverse
Demon's Sonic
Charge Reverse
Double Charge
Twisted Sonic Reverse
Figure 8
Double Thumbaround
Note: This trick becomes a lot easier if you use a heavy mod.

Swivel (a.k.a. Fingerless Sonic)
Double, Triple, Quadruple Infinity
Index Backaround Reverse (a.k.a. Bust)
Korean Backaround (a.k.a. Bak)
Bak 1.5
Aerial Thumbaround
Extended Thumbaround
Fake Double
Devil's Sonic
Twisted Cobra Bite
Rex Trick

Simple linkages


Twisted Sonic Combo v1
[Palm Down] Twisted Sonic 23-12 > Reverse Twisted Sonic 12-23 > Twisted Sonic 23-12 > Fake Double
Twisted Sonic Combo v2
[PERFORM THIS COMBO VERY FAST] Twisted Sonic 23-12 > Reverse Twisted Sonic 12-23 > [Palm Down] Twisted Sonic Double Bust

TIP: When you are doing the Reverse Twisted Sonic, begin shifting your hand to palm down so that while doing the Double Bust you don't have to scramble to change your hand position.
To see what this combo looks like, go to the Thumbaround tab, then go to 0:13 at the 60 second Thumbaround tutorial.

Neosonic combo
Charge T1 1.0 > Neosonic Reverse > Reverse Twisted Sonic > Pass 23-34 > Sonic Rise > Pass 12-23 > Pass 23-12 > Neosonic > Fingerless Thumbaround > Reverse Twisted Sonic > Twisted Sonic Bust > Thumbaround
Kam's 4 Loop Combo (K4LC)
Sonic 34-23 > Twisted Sonic 23-12 > Thumbspin 1.5

Advanced Training Combo
Sonic 34-23 > Twisted Sonic 23-12 > Bust > Devil's Shadow > Bust > Fake Double ~ Bust > Pass 12-34 > Catch or repeat.

Another thing

Electro Music

External links:
UPSB Forum
fujiwaffle's learning order

Last updated 12.18.2017